The Different Designs of Captains Choice Woven Vinyl
Let's start off first with our first line Como. This is a tighter luxury woven vinyl with solid colors and some character. It's got a more smooth finish on top, and feels really good under your feet. There’s a wide variety of colors in the Como Collection. We have some beautiful grays like gray linen, which is the lightest gray, and platinum which is our darker gray. Grays are really hot right now. The Platinum would be a good choice if you are upgrading your gray boat carpet and want to keep about the same color tone. Then our most popular colors are the khaki colors like sand and desert. These are our two lightest colors which then move up to the desert storm for those who enjoy a darker tan. This line has been a go to for boat lovers for years and still is a top selling line in all colors.
Let's move to the Top Hat collection. This is our basket weave vinyl collection. Its a bit thicker than the Como for a more 3 dimensional look. This is a little fancier than the Como line but has some similar color tones. We often recommend that people with pets that have nails of length should possibly stay away from this line as it may break their pets nails. This marine woven vinyl is strong. It still feels good under the feet while standing or walking, and it delivers all the quality and beauty you are looking for in woven vinyl with a little bit of class.
Next is our Stepping Out collection. This boat vinyl floor is for the teak wood lovers out there. Stepping Out gives the appearance of faux teak wood that boaters have used forever without the need for upkeep and the expense of the initial purchase. The lines run from bow to stern, front to back. We have all the colors to go with any upholstery you are using or any color choice you are considering for the future. Our Burnt Orange is a personal favorite as it looks like real wood from a distance. The black lines give that dark orange a great contrast. This color is really popular with our teak lovers.
Our newest lines are Geo and Forest. Our Geo and Forrest lines are the future of woven vinyl. The way in which it is weaved is very complex and has taken years to study and develop. Our Geo line has some choices for those wanting to bring out brighter colors from your upholstery or Bimini top. This includes the Ice rock, which has blue lines in it that is just a must see. Red Rock is a very complex color as it has red with a little tan and a little gray to literally go with anything. Limestone has some lime green lines in it which pop with spring décor and sunny outerwear, which would look great on your boat while holding that margarita. We couldn’t leave out our grays and khakis though. Grays and khakis are super simple to coordinate with when decorating your boat upholstery and canvas tops.
And the most durable boat vinyl is the Forest Collection. This is the thickest woven vinyl ever made and possibly ever to be made. Its very upscale and thick and you can definitely feel it when you walk on it, possibly even through your tennis shoes. The forest collection is perfect for fishermen and families with pets and kids. It's very durable and is super hard to puncture or penetrate which makes it a favorite for boaters who spend a majority of their summers out on the lake fishing and wakeboarding. We have some of the best weavers right here in the USA weaving this thick vinyl. You will feel like you're one with nature with this on your boat, living room, or screened in porch. From a dark brown to a light brown, and the grays to match. This line is sure to be noticed and envied by your friends and relatives.